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英文:Time is a bird for ever on the wing.为了给您提供更好的帮助栏目小编整理了以下高考祝福语短句英语。多年的辛勤汗水终于要在高考这一刻结果,在高考这天,要把你最暖心的祝福语送给你最关心的朋友。希望学子们全力以赴,取得好成绩。我非常感谢您抽出时间仔细品味这句话!


1、Ten years of hard work, no regrets, no complaints, once a success, and then recall all the pain and happiness with all ones heart and soul.

2、Biliary Zoran bone hard without leaving Wujiang Zhijian of regret,their heroic spirit should be built about.

3、time trieall.时间检验一切。

4、the journey of life is short and long enough for all of us to send forth the light of understanding.

5、英文:We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are.

6、In order to achieve their goals, we must be able to stand alone.

7、Sometimes the greatest rewards in life come from doing the things that scare me the .有时候,做自己最畏惧的事,就能获得最大的收获。

8、Maintain the normal heart,create a good environment,raising the usual smiling face,easy to meet the college entrance examination.

9、Life is beautiful for some people, who are striving for a certain goal in their life. College entrance examination, come on!

10、The challenges in life that I regret the choice,the college entrance examination is my pursuit.

11、If you are not afraid of pepsis disadvantage, you are afraid of frustration.

12、The rain the sound of the wind,the sound of the object; family affairs world affairs,concerned about everything.

13、Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger. ——生活从未变得轻松,是你在一点一点变强。

14、Fate is like palm prints in your hands, no matter how tortuous, they are in their own hands.

15、Striving for time means striving for success, and improving efficiency is to raise scores.

16、The exam went well and broke through the whole life.

17、The exam is imminent. I hope you can achieve the desired results with a good attitude.

18、knowledge ipower.知识就是力量。


19、We talk about the same family for three years, long and short. In this unusual three years, we have had a combination of ups and downs. I wish you good grades.

20、There are always so many references in life.

21、英文:Time is a bird for ever on the wing.

22、Light utilitarian, light forward; do not pay, perseverance; do not achieve the goal, will not stop. Wish the college entrance examination smooth!

23、The journey of life is short and long, so that we can all understand the light.

24、Best wishes for your family and friends!

25、Climb mountains to know the heights of heaven.

26、, always go, do not have to turn back, all the children under the sky are blooming flowers in the four seasons, the wind and rain are all a beautiful face, may your eyes stay in my depth, you are my brother, my sister.

27、The place where dreams begin is also the place where dreams come true.

28、Struggle to sprint, vow to worship the palace, and strive for success.

29、wisdom ito the mind what health ito the body.知识之于精神,一如健康之于肉体。

30、People who are better than you are working hard. Why dont you study?

31、英文:While there is life there is hope.

32、since the choice of the road, then walk to stick to it, believe that as long as there is confidence, as long as the courage, we will be able to master their own future and destiny, become truly strong.

33、During the college entrance examination, I hope you do your best to tell my blessing in the distance, and believe that your efforts and sweat, success and good luck accompany your life!

34、Belief is strength, doubt only inhibits ability, and faith is power.

35、College entrance examination is just around the corner. I hope you can overcome all kinds of psychological pressure, pay attention to nutrition, and keep a good mental state. I believe you can play supernormal and succeed!

36、Homework examination,examination of the exam,will usually test when the college entrance examination,entrance examination as usual.


37、No bitterness and no fatigue. The third year is tasteless.

38、College entrance examination, sincerely wish you the least problems encountered, try your best, the best to relax, the best luck encountered, the best results!

39、Best wishes to all students: Golden List Title! Believe in yourself, you are the best!

40、Plan to be fine,do it early,to implement the. Plans and goals,action.

41、Don"t put your happiness in the hands of someone else. If you really want to be happy, you have to find this happiness within yourself。不要把自己的快乐寄托在别人身上,真正的快乐,必须来源于自己。

42、Confidence comes from the correct understanding of oneself, and inferiority comes from the result of comparison.

43、I am always here to support you and encourage you to bless you.

44、What kind of tomorrow do you want to make today?

45、In the college entrance examination, I would like to express my blessing as far as possible, believe in my dream and sweat, success and good luck!

46、Even an immature attempt is better than a strategy of fetal death.

47、You wear flowers at the HeroesCongress. Central Plains is bigger than martial arts. Best wishes to you.

48、Striving for time is striving for success, and improving efficiency is to improve marks.

49、Ten years of cold windows, looking forward to a brilliant future; a hundred days of hard struggle, swear the gold medal list.

50、Create a brilliant new year together with us in the spring and autumn.

51、The college entrance examination is coming soon, learning is relaxed and time is organized. I wish you a good result in the college entrance examination.

52、If you"re trapped between your feelings and what other people think is right... always go for whatever makes you happy.当你在自己的感觉与别人的看法之间左右为难的时候,你应该选择去做让你觉得快乐的事情。

53、College entrance examination is a comprehensive examination comparing knowledge, ability, psychology, confidence and physical strength.

54、College Entrance Examination students, to believe in themselves, in my mind you are always the best, life can have several backlashes, this fight!

55、Its good to ask middle and low-grade questions first. Come on!