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1、As you sow, so shall you reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆?

2、Thanks for your kind enquiry of May 5


4、your letters are so much fun (comfort) (entertainment) (company).

5、I love the way you say (put) things in your letters. you make even the smallest incident seem so interesting(important)(charming)(mysterious).

6、Please repeat your wire on receipt of this, stating your meaning more clearly.

7、too+adj./adj. +to do sth. 太……以至于不……。

8、As the drawings attached,

9、I will go (enter) into further details in my next.

10、Your favour of the 5th May is duly received


12、adj./adv。比较级 + and adj./adv。比较级 越来越....。。

13、Your favour of the l0th is to (at) hand

14、In accordance with the instructions given (contained) in your favour of the 10th May


16、Many thanks for your latter of the 5th June

17、Much to our regret we have heard that

18、Your telegram is not signed with cipher as agreed on; confirm if correct.

19、We cannot trace the code you used; please repeat the telegram in plain words.

20、As shown in the enclosed documents,

21、表时间的过渡语:first, at first, then, later, in the end, finally, afterwards, after that, since then, for the first time, at last, as soon as, the next moment, meanwhile, later on, soon, finally等?

22、Your telegram is unintelligible; repeat more fully in plain language.

23、You will greatly oblige me by informing that (of)


25、Your telegram is not clear; explain the third and fourth words.

26、We confirm our respects of the l0th June

27、We are very much obliged by your enquiry dated the 10th May

28、Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 有事莫推明天?

29、It is with our greatest regret that we must inform you that (of)

30、Your letter of May 5 was very welcome

31、To our greatest regret we must herewith inform you that (of)

32、It gives us a deep sorrow that we have to announce you that

33、We have the pleasure to apprise you of

34、Particulars will be related in the following.

35、We regret that we have been informed that (of)

36、Your telegram just received is quite unintelligible.

37、I express my sorrow for announcing you that

38、Annexed hereto,

39、I sincerely (deeply) (warmly) appreciate ...

40、Be good enough to inform me that (of)


42、We very much regret to announce you that

43、Your favour of the 5th June is duly to hand

44、I am in receipt of your favour of the 7th May, and in response I inform you that (of)

45、In reply to your letter of the 5th of May, I have to inform you that (of)

46、thank you very much ( very, very much) (ever so much) (most sincerely) (indeed) (f rom the bottom of my heart).



49、We are indebted to your inquiry under date (of) the 10th May for

50、Oblige me by informing that (of)

51、Nothing is more important tthan the fact that…没有什么比这更重要的是…


